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Thursday, September 26, 2013

BlackBerry – It seems the end is near

BlackBerry was definitely a great company once, with some nice innovations, but their time of glory has seemingly ended a long time ago. Owning a BlackBerry smartphone used to be something fantastic, but right now Samsung Galaxy S4 or Sony Xperia Z owners will laugh at you. Fewer and fewer people use BlackBerry these days, and for a good reason – their devices are outdated.

But why is BlackBerry failing on the market so badly?

There are actually many things that lead to BlackBerry’s death spiral. The main reason why their devices are no longer desirable is that they are a design failure.

People who follow BlackBerry’s releases probably see a recurring pattern. While other manufacturers make sure to take away any unneeded features on a phone, like a couple of buttons, BlackBerry always seems to add way too many features that make the interface ‘crowded’, so to say, and they always try to outwit everyone else by flooding the market with more and more useless gadgets.

Another one of their failures is that they never manage to stay even one step ahead from the other companies in terms of developing new technologies. Every time somebody releases something new, BlackBerry adds the same feature as well, which seems like a late ‘me too!’ response. Has anyone heard of them actually coming up with something innovative by themselves? Not at all.

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The last great failure is the actual physical design of BlackBerry’s smartphones. Sure, the QWERTY keyboard was something comfortable back in the day, but right now it is just as outdated as BlackBerry itself. Compared to Samsung’s thin and minimalistic smartphones, BlackBerry’s devices are uncomfortable and ugly, while Samsung’s devices are works of art and are steps towards the future.

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It is obvious that BlackBerry’s end is near – they have failed to introduce any type of innovation for ages now and keep making huge mistakes on the market. A lot of people are surprised that they have even managed to survive so far.

Huawei and Windows Phone

Why did they make this choice?

After Microsoft acquired Nokia’s entire handset business, it seemed that third-party developers and manufacturers would flee the Windows Phone market. One company, however, has decided not to back away and make use of this small market.

Huawei have become one of the top OEMs on the mobile market and they will not abandon Windows Phone 8 anytime soon. The company still remains one of Microsoft’s strategic partners and has decided not to go with only free-to-use platforms like Google’s Android or the new Firefox OS. But what do they hope to gain with something that takes up such a small percentage of the large mobile market? Let’s take a closer look at this operating system and find out.

Although iOS and Android fans will be reluctant to admit this, Windows Phone 8 has quite an innovative interface. Sure the OS might not be as customizable as Android, but it is also less restrictive than iOS in some aspects, but is also basically much more attractive and futuristic than both. People these days choose which smartphone to buy, according to both its physical design and according to the design of its OS and Windows Phone definitely has an advantage here.

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As for the availability of apps in Windows Market Place, the numbers are growing more and more, so you have an alternative to almost everything in Google’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store. Basically, this operating system gives an opportunity for a better market for app developers and is bound to attract more people to Windows phones.

So, the answer to the question why Huawei have decided to stay in the Windows Phone business is obvious – this OS is bound to develop and become very desirable in the future and it is an opportunity that cannot be ignored.